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Tag: web design
Do the math regarding “free” web hosting Register a Domain Obtain Hosting Design Your Website hidden for layout purposes “Free” WordPress.com isn’t really free …because you get what you “pay” for. Compare for yourself: WordPress.org (“Self-hosted”) Free WordPress.com + *Upgrades Full Theme Support You can use custom/commercial themes, plus all […]
Endless possibilities to shape your site Register a Domain Obtain Hosting Design Your Website hidden for layout purposes Recap: Why plugins? Think of WordPress plugins as the cool uncle/aunt you either have or wish you had. The one who makes Thanksgiving gatherings entertaining, shows you how to ride a bike […]
Speak the WordPress lingo Register a Domain Obtain Hosting Design Your Website hidden for layout purposes Introduction to the language of WordPress without going totally “geek” A glossary, by definition, is a document containing a lot of words and not very many graphic elements. We have attempted to keep the […]