Shoestring Collective specializes in non-profit and grassroots consulting, with a focus on web presence and grant writing. We offer everything from web development, grant writing, to organizational and other planning. We are here to help you reach your goals!
Following a thorough analysis and crafting a strategy, we will work with you with special attention to the unique challenges your non-profit grassroots organization faces.
We can create great content for you. We offer over 15 years of combined experience in WordPress (setup/configuration, localization, customization) and web design/front end development. Shoestring Collective can also help you with copywriting, desktop publishing and more.
Diverse teams spread out geographically pose special communications challenges. Shoestring Collective can advise you on utilizing online state-of-the art communication tools, and we can help you improve your internal communications.
We offer grant writing, and we can help you explore and set up other avenues of fund raising. Shoestring Collective can also help you set up an effective volunteer management program.
Contact us today and let’s chat about how our non-profit and grassroots consulting expertise can benefit you and your organization or group!